Saturday, August 21, 2010

so check it out. I haven't updated this is awhile, because i haven't had any experiences lately.

But who cares? i pretty much talk about ghosts everyday. its my favorite thing to talk about. (IE blog)

I think today is the day i finally talk about ouija boards. I dont remember the first time i heard of or saw a ouija board, but im almost positive i saw it on a movie. and no, it wasn't the craft. upon discovering this device, it blew my effing mind that you could buy this"toy" at wal mart, and talk to the dead. all freaking night if you wanted to. so i asked my granpa to buy me one.

i think he was surprised i wanted the board. not dissapointed or worried, like most elders would, but it was almost like he wanted one too, and was excited to finally find someone to ouija the night away with. so anyways, when i first heard of the board, i never knew people would try to move it, i just assumed it would call the dead, like a telephone, and always work. call it wishful thinking.

my grandfather and i got the board. i remember what it smelled like when i opened the box. the sharp musk of cardboard and glow in the dark plastic. It had directions.
"sit with a partner, knees touching, and ask the oracle your future"
I didnt care about my future. i just wanted to see it work. So we asked some questions.
"who are you?"
"how did you die?"
"did you die here?"
We got solid answers and swift movement. I was amazed. I kept asking my grandfather if he was moving it. he insisted he wasnt, and i asked him to prove it. he replied," ask it a question in your head"
"you can do that?!?!" so i asked the board a question i only knew the answer to. I was pretty young at this time, probably 11 or 12, and i asked the board what my favorite band was.


I still didnt believe that my grandfather wasnt moving it. "ask it a question in your head"i told him. the planchette moved steadily around the numbers.
"what the heck is that granpa?"
We walked upstairs to the bathroom, and i stood on the scale. 108 was my exact weight. even i didnt know that.

So that was my first expierience with ouija boards. I was hooked. I found out you could make your own. I made new ones every month. With sharpie and pieces of old furniture. I played with it with any friend that would stay over. we called marilyn monroe, jim morrison, dead pets, granmas, and the most popular of the era, kurt cobain. Everyone warned me all the time.... "you dont know what youre playing with" "youre going to invite something into your life you cant control" blah, blah, blah.

at the haunted house with the floating beer bottle, my best friend in high school and i played the ouija board. Rob and I were inseparable. He lived a little over a block away, and he was always at my house. He liked to sit on the porch, because the house across the street was where his grandmother lived. And died.

We were using my homemade model, from and old stereo shelf. he said he was going to try to call his dead grandmother, but he said he felt all funky asking questions out loud. I told him about asking it questions in your head. He closed his eyes, and the board began to move.

his eyes teared up. "what the hell is blue eyes?"
"thats what my grandmother called me."

I have never had a bad experience playing with a ouija board. I recently bought a new one. i use it in the tattoo shop with my friends. nothing happens. I want it to happen. wtf.

psychologists say that the only reason ouija boards work is due to ideomotor effect. Which is a fancy way of saying your brain is making your body move with out you knowing it. They say its subconscious, and if your will to see the planchette move, well, makes it move. But wtf, ive seen boards react in all ways, zip and zoom all over the place, homemade or not. So why now, when i want to experience the paranormal so badly, will this damn toy not work?

i leave you with this review of a ouija board on

By SKP from oh on 6/25/2009
Pros:Nothing is good about it
Cons:Boring, Difficult Instructions, Rip off, Unoriginal, Visually Unpleasing
Best Uses:Adults, Children, Family, Travel
Describe Yourself:Avid Gamer
Bottom Line:No, I would not recommend this to a friend

Comments about Parker Brothers 1001167 Ouija Board: Glow-in-the-Dark:

This game is a BIG rip off.It does not work.(or at least this one)I tried it and I was serious and I concuntraed and everything.Just like it tells you do do.It does not do ANYTHING.Dont listen to anything any of the other reviews say.I promise you this thing does not work AT ALL.So dont get it.